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City of Milwaukee 457 Deferred Compensation Plan
Frequently Asked Questions
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How do I enroll in the City of Milwaukee Deferred Comp Plan?
How do I change my address on my account?
How do I verify or change my beneficiary?
What is the maximum I can contribute from my paycheck?
What is the difference between before-tax and Roth after-tax?
Can I change/stop my contribution amount?
What is the Age 50 Catch-Up?
Can I use the Special 3-Year Catch-Up with the Age 50+ Catch-Up?
Can I make rollover contributions to my Plan account?
What kind of services are available via the web, phone or mobile?
When are transactions effective?
Can I cancel a transaction after I receive a confirmation number?
What are frequent trading restrictions?
What withdrawal options do I have while I am still employed?
What distribution options do I have when I leave employment?
Do I have to pay taxes and/or penalties on the money I withdraw?
Does the Plan have a Loan Program?
How do I find out how much I owe on my loans?
What happens if I default on a loan?
What happens to my loan if I no longer work for my employer?
How do I handle my loan repayments on military leave?
What is the Information Line?
How do I use the Information Line?
What is the alt. security process used by the Information Line?
What are the New York Stock Exchange holidays?
I forgot my password. How can I get another one?
When can I expect my account statements to arrive?
What should I do if I’m getting divorced?
Who can I contact If I have an American United Life Policy (AUL)?
View all Frequently asked Questions
Does the City of Milwaukee Deferred Compensation Plan have a Loan Program?
Yes. You can have up to one loan outstanding at any one given time.